Refund Policy


The return policy of the seller, whose products are marketed on our website (hereinafter, the "Seller"), lasts 14 days. If 14 days have passed since the receipt of your order, we unfortunately cannot offer you a refund and you are no longer entitled to request a return.

To be eligible for a return, the item in your order must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn and unused, with tags and in its original packaging. You will also need to provide proof of purchase (such as a copy of the receipt) for the item you wish to return.

To initiate a return, you can contact us at

If your return request is accepted by the Seller, we will send you a return label and instructions on how and where to send the package. Items returned without a prior return request within the specified time frame will not be accepted. You can contact us for any questions regarding returns at the following address: contact


You must check your order upon receipt and contact us immediately if the item delivered is defective, damaged or different from the one you ordered. This will allow us to assess the problem and use our best efforts to resolve it as soon as possible.


As an exception to point 1 above, certain types of items cannot be returned. The following cannot be returned and therefore not refunded:

● personalized products (such as special orders or custom-made items);
● personal care items (such as beauty products).

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your specific item. Finally, sale items (if applicable) and gift certificates are also non-returnable.


The Seller does not offer an exchange service for items ordered on our website.

In case you wish to purchase an item different from the one that was ordered, we advise you to place a new order and return the item that is not suitable.


We undertake to inform you as soon as the Seller has received and inspected your returned order.

We will let you know whether or not your refund due to this return has been approved by the Seller.

In the event that the Seller approves your refund request, you will automatically be charged the price paid for the returned item(s) to the same account linked to your initial payment method.

Please note that the processing of this refund by banking establishments and by the various payment organizations is linked to their own time limits which we are unable to control.